Apply For Assistance
Please read the following information carefully and in full. Failure to complete all required parts of our application process could delay assistance.
Jefferson County Long Term Recovery Group (JCLTRG) assists vulnerable individuals and households with unmet needs related to disaster (example: Hurricane Harvey). We triage cases based on vulnerability: indigent uninsured, elderly, disabled, US veterans, single parent households with children or first responders however, we take consideration on a case-by-case basis. All cases are dependent upon available funding.
Homeowners must meet the following qualifications to be eligible for repair/rebuild programming and provide supporting documentation to confirm:
- The home must be damaged due to disaster
- The home must be located within Jefferson County, Texas
- The homeowner must provide proof of home ownership on the date of the disaster
- The homeowner must provide proof of residence on the date of the disaster
- The home must not be a rental property or secondary property
- The home must be uninsured or underinsured
- The homeowner's income must not exceed the limits listed in the following table:
Persons per family Income (may not exceed)
1 $41,280
2 $47,120
3 $53,040
4 $58,900
5 $63,650
If you have been impacted by a recent disaster/storm and have unmet needs as a result of the disaster (examples: need assistance with home repair or furniture/appliance replacement), please follow these instructions:
We require all applicants to self-report your home damage to the State of Texas. Go to the following website and follow the prompts if you have not already done so: damage.tdem.texas.gov
After you have self-reported your home damage, you may submit an Application for Assistance. English / En Espanol
After you have completed the Application For Assistance, please collect the required documentation that supports your application. It is your responsibility to make sure we have copies of all required supporting documentation. Failure to do so will delay the process of your application. Our Required Documentation List is attached in English / En Espanol
**Each disaster is unique and uniquely handled based on degree of impact and other circumstances. Depending on the type or severity of the disaster, there may be other required steps in the recovery process. Example: if the disaster is federally declared, you may be required to apply for FEMA assistance. If SBA opens Disaster Loan Assistance, you may be required to apply for SBA assistance. This page will be updated accordingly so that all disaster impacted households are aware of any additional, necessary steps and resources available to Jefferson County households.
If you need assistance with any of the above, please call our offices: 409-240-0331 or email us at director@jcltrg.org