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First Steps.png

At Jefferson County Long Term Recovery Group, our goal is to shorten recovery time and eliminate unnecessary suffering by helping those affected by disasters to recover and rebuild efficiently. Recovering from a disaster is a gradual process. Safety is a first and primary issue, as are the mental and physical well-being of you and your family. Especially if you've never been impacted by a disaster before, recovery information, or the lack of information, can be overwhelming. If guidance and assistance is available, knowing how to access it makes the process faster and less stressful. We want to offer best practice steps to take after disaster.

These steps will begin the process to get your family, home, and life back to normal.

The links below contain critical and necessary steps toward a successful recovery after disaster.

Carefully read through each one. 

report damages banner.png
First steps guide graphic.png
Contractor Fraud graphic.png
Muck Out graphic.png
Finding a contractor Banner.png
generator banner.png
tarp banner.png
vinyl flooring banner.png
Contact List graphic.png
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