We assist disaster-impacted households in many ways: temporary housing, home muck out and clean up, repair/rebuild assistance, crisis or spiritual counseling, furniture/appliance replacement, and more. When you give to Jefferson County LTRG, 100% of your donation is applied to direct services for Jefferson County households. Your giving is used to purchase construction materials and other necessities households need so that they may return to a safe, sanitary and secure home. For our programming to be effective, we also rely on community volunteers. We have a multitude of opportunities for people who want to be involved with serving their community but aren't sure how to get plugged in.
If you want to make a difference in your community, donating to Jefferson County LTRG and/or volunteering with our organization is a great way to do this, and we make it as easy as possible. Jefferson County LTRG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your monetary contribution is considered a charitable donation by the IRS. Volunteer hours are carefully logged and used toward the federal match required by FEMA during times of federally declared disasters. When you become involved with Jefferson County LTRG, you are benefitting your community in many ways! All monetary donations are tax deductible.